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Writer's pictureCassidy Davis

Puppy Power! Why Early Neurological Stimulation is the Best Start for a Healthy Life

Hello, fellow dog lovers! It's us, your favorite four-legged family from Davis Farm Boston Terriers, here to share some insider knowledge about what makes our puppies so darn happy, healthy, and ready to take on the world. Today, we're diving into something fancy-sounding but super fun: Early Neurological Stimulation, or ENS for short. It’s kind of like puppy brain yoga… but way cuter!

What is ENS?

Now, before your tail starts wagging too fast, let’s break it down. Early Neurological Stimulation is a program that helps puppies get a head start on life by doing little exercises when we're just a few days old (yup, you read that right!). These exercises are quick, but they pack a powerful punch for our development.

You see, between the ages of 3 to 16 days old, our tiny puppy brains are like sponges, soaking up the world. That’s where ENS comes in. It’s a series of five simple little activities that help stimulate our nervous systems and teach us to handle all sorts of things life might throw at us. Pretty cool, huh?

The Five ENS Exercises

Let’s take a quick sniff at the five exercises that make up ENS. Don’t worry, it’s not a puppy CrossFit class or anything! These are gentle movements and positions that help build confidence and overall health. Here’s what happens:

  1. Tactile Stimulation – Someone takes a Q-tip and gently tickles the bottom of our paws! It feels funny, but it helps our brains get used to different sensations. Ticklish toes are no joke!

  2. Head Held Upright – We get gently held with our heads up for a few seconds. It’s like a royal puppy pose! This helps with our balance and gets our blood flow in tip-top shape.

  3. Head Held Downward – Then, we flip the script, and they hold us with our heads pointing down. We’re like little acrobats, learning to trust that humans have our backs (literally!).

  4. Supine Position – Ever seen a puppy lie on their back and wiggle around? That’s basically what happens here, except someone holds us that way. We learn how to feel comfy and safe in all sorts of positions.

  5. Thermal Stimulation – And finally, we get to test out our temperature sensitivity by being placed on a cold, damp cloth. Don’t worry, we’re not shivering, but it teaches us how to handle changes in temperature—just in case we need to cool down after a fun play session in the sun!

Why It’s a Big Deal for Us Pups

ENS isn’t just a little warm-up routine for baby puppies—oh no! It’s scientifically proven to improve our cardiovascular performance, strengthen our immune systems, and help us handle stress like a champ. Basically, it helps us grow into well-rounded, super resilient dogs. Not to mention, we grow up to be brave, confident, and totally awesome companions (but you already knew that, right?).

Puppies who go through ENS are more likely to handle new situations with ease—like when we meet new people, hear loud noises, or face strange, new environments. Whether it’s trying out a new toy or taking a trip to the vet, we’re ready for it!

Paws-itive Long-Term Effects

The benefits of ENS stick with us for life. We’re healthier, happier, and more likely to thrive in all kinds of environments. Plus, ENS puppies are often more social and have an easier time bonding with humans (because who doesn’t love belly rubs and snacks, right?).

So, the next time you see one of us Davis Farm Boston Terriers proudly strutting our stuff, just know that our early days were filled with love, care, and a little bit of puppy brain yoga. And now we’re out here, living our best lives, and ready for all the adventures ahead!

Thanks for stopping by the farm! Whether you’re here for a belly rub, a new puppy friend, or just to learn something new, we’re always happy to share our tail-wagging wisdom.

Until next time—stay pawsome! 🐾

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